
For the moment my muse and I are at peace. I believe there are actually two of them at war in my head, there is the muse that gives me words to write and then there is my technical muse. Of the two of them the techie is the worst, driving me through sleepless hours to accomplish pains-taking tasks. The techie I'm not so interested in but it is there when the struggle to form ideas, the struggle to give my mind some peace is too much. I run to the machine side of my mind and hide from the real demands on it, I guess it beats drinking. I used to hide in books but I quit reading when I started my book, I found I couldn't read and write at the same time. As it is, the hardest part of writing the book is the necessity to go back and re-read what I've already written, its difficult to make sense of the words. It's not some mental problem, it's just that my mind is so driven to write new words that I can't grasp words that are already there. Well, if it's a mental problem it's one I'll gladly endure, along with all the other crap it takes for me to write.
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