Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I know I can be rather vague but if I haven't made it clear I have bipolar disorder. It's a very hard illness to diagnose and I was extremely ill for years before getting the right treatment.

Once, before I was diagnosed I was in an extreme manic phase that had been going on for months. Beyond the mental damage it did, I was a physical wreck. One night I had to be taken to the hospital, I was severely dehydrated and out of my head. While I was on an IV I couldn't stop talking loudly to myself and anyone came near. Finally a doctor got fed up and told me to leave but a nurse figured out something wasn't right and suggested I go to the pysch unit. Well, when I got there I was raving and the doctor of the psychiatric ward told me that if I didn't calm down I'd have to leave. That just made things worse and I ended up, sick, in the center of town, miles from home, no ride, no money, in the middle of winter, kicked out of a hospital.

Yes... I have a doctor phobia.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, after all the meds the doc put me on, what was wrong before came back the instant I was finished with the medication. Sore throat and all. I won't go back again. They got their one shot. I'll suffer.

I'm glad you were able to finally find someone who understood what was goin on. I don't blame you for the phobia.

6/07/2005 11:41 PM  
Blogger elvira black said...

Reverend Z:

That was a horrific story. I'm sure many can relate, as I can. This, along with Daniel Beswick's truly chilling image at the Doctor's link below your post, really brings home the sense of helplessness and despair that can occur as the result of an acute episode--a time when you so desperately needed to be treated with care and understanding. Instead, you were banished like a pariah by those who should have understood that you were ill. Bad enough that bipolars are often baffled by the horrors their illness can wreak upon them-- and must also endure an abject lack of understanding by most laymen-- without "professionals" behaving in this truly shameful manner.

I firmly believe that there are many, many psychiatrists who are seriously disturbed themselves. Some seem to be totally devoid of any empathy or compassion. You and a number of others have shared other horror stories about your encounters with these so-called "healers" with me. Perhaps the only hope when one finds a good doctor, as I finally have, is to refer friends who otherwise would have to play Russian roulette with their sanity or even their lives by random encounters with what I can only describe as a gaggle of quacks.

6/25/2005 6:08 AM  

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