Sunday, June 12, 2005


This portion of the book has driven me crazy, the beginning started out well but the end was a huge struggle. The chapter is about struggle so I guess my muse wants me to have a fresh sense of the feeling. I like to blame things for my problems but my huge distraction with the game was really a way to hide from the frustration of the days-long searches for the story. No matter what I do my mind never ceases its search, I can only pace the house so long before I have to do something to keep from fidgiting myself crazy. I couldn't even express myself here, I was empty of words. That's a pale place to be and so I went to the only other thing I know to hide, tweaking. I was a computer geek for twenty years and, though I know nothing about games and very little about JavaScript, I do understand how a computer thinks. A computer program is a jigsaw puzzle and programming it is just a matter of getting the right pieces in the right places. It's more a matter of patience than anything, looking for that spot where the little cloud-looking piece should fit, looks like a perfect fit, damn.. not quite, look again... a day later and you're still looking. Doesn't take a whole lot of thought for the most part once the design work is done, design is like painting the picture and cutting it up into component pieces. It was a good excuse for a while but I can only play with puzzles so long and I didn't want to be a programmer all my life, I wanted to be a writer.


Blogger Rob said...

It's inspiring how you refer to the virtual pc as a puzzle, I think the picture you word is clear. This in itself was muse, you didn't even know why the muse was playing games, well, it was for me to come around and rear your bloggs. Thank you for being here so I could meet you, be well, rob

6/12/2005 3:39 AM  
Blogger RevrendZ said...

Thanks rob, I've been enjoying your poetry very much.

6/12/2005 10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had times when I feel my mind stop, dead in it's tracks. If it lasts for very long I become very depressed and turn in on myself - if that makes any sense. I had one of those nights last night. So, I bought some whiskey :)

6/12/2005 2:29 PM  

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