Usually, like yesterday, when I look back it's with regret, usually I don't look back. It's my bday, though, and I feel compelled to consider last year. At first I was depressed, considered it the worst year of my life, ending with a stay in the hospital. I went to bed last night feeling so messed up I knew was going to be even worse but when I woke up I wasn't as groggy as usual and I was in a good mood, the Snail was still up and we enjoyed a little time together before he went to bed. He was half asleep when I realized it was my birthday and before I could get depressed again I remembered some important things about the previous year. I finished my second book ahead of schedule and came up with a plan to have the first one ready for publication by my next birthday. The Snail is doing much better, therapy has been helpful and it looks like he's on the right med. My stay at the hospital taught me a valuable lesson... change the things you can and change your perceptions about the things you can't... this is bringing me a measure of peace about my life, especially my family life. The meds I finally found after nearly a year of trial and error seems to be helping. When I see last year that way I think the rest of the shit was worth it. I feel pretty good today, relaxing by myself with my favorite diversions. Happy birthday to me :)
Glad it's turning out to be a good one!
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