I'm not writing this to complain about my life, it is what it is and somehow I'll find a way to get through it, but I am writing about me to hopefully illustrate a point.
I was homeless most of my 19th year and I still fear it today. When you have no home you cease to become a person, people don't want to look at you, they certainly don't want to hire you. Homelessness is a far end of the poverty spectrum, but even when you have a place to live, if you're poor people treat you differently, as if it's somehow catching, or the result of a shiftless attitude.
I've been waiting for weeks to be interviewed for my Medicaid application, I've been told it can take months to get approved. In the meantime the medical debts are piling up, my eyes are failing, and the whole right side of my mouth is messed up from a fall. I try to find work but every time I start something I get sick again and have to start over. If I had money I wonder if it would have taken over a year to find the right meds and get stabilized (hasn't happened yet) or if I would have had to go to the shabby half-assed clinic they send people without insurance to?
There's more to poverty than the obvious lack of money, it seems the world is determined to keep the poor down or crush them out. Survival of the fittest?