I'm pretty sure there was a book (maybe by Ray Bradbury?) that approached this. Maybe it was Blade Runner and/or other books/movies--Star Trek's data, etc.--the conundrum re: if we succeed in making a machine in our own image. In doing so, can our creations become sentient and autonomous? And then what?
4 spams within seconds of posting... geez...
I'm pretty sure there was a book (maybe by Ray Bradbury?) that approached this. Maybe it was Blade Runner and/or other books/movies--Star Trek's data, etc.--the conundrum re: if we succeed in making a machine in our own image. In doing so, can our creations become sentient and autonomous? And then what?
the book is "do androids dream of electic sheep" by philip k. dick
wonderful story and was the inspiration for blade runner
Great flick!
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