Monday, May 29, 2006


Fancy Eatz gives a 10% discount to all military personnel and civilian military workers who show their badge. They act like they're doing their part to support our troops and I suppose that's true in a sense, the almost closed down base across the street primarily does payroll, but I'm cynical enough to think they do it to attract people in to buy their over-priced food. The thing is, they do a half-assed job of it, the only people who can give the discount are managers and sometimes they're very hard to find. The military people are pretty cool about it, they usually are pleasant about it and say forget it or if they're planning on sitting around in the restaurant a while they patiently wait. It's a whole 'nother ball game with the civilian people, I'm figuring they're so anal because they're all accountants. They say they're in a hurry and fume while they wait for their 8 cent discount, sometimes it's quite a long wait. If a manager isn't in sight a button is pushed that rings a buzzer in the office, sometimes the manager is on the phone, or with a vendor, or eating so it can be quite a wait. Most of the other cashiers just stand there and say things like, "They should come up with a better system." or "They're probably in the bathroom.", I go looking for the manager, it's better customer service but I do it so I don't have to be around some pissed-off cheapskate.

Reposted on Rev's new blog (Yes, I said I didn't have time for diversions but if I keep waking up at 2:30 in the morning I'll have more than enough time) Behind the Counter - Customer service with a smile and a mutter.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I'm in the grip of my muse and ridden hard. Rise early for work and whipped to the keys as soon as I get home. No time for diversions, I'm on a deadline.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Spring in Colorado

Taken 5/10/06

Friday, May 19, 2006


I missed my last psych appointment because I was scheduled to work before I could tell them I needed the day off. That was fine by me, things were going pretty well and I hate going. My appointment is now in five hours and I'm already stressing.

This time I asked the Snail to get up early and go with me because the half hour drive there alone is nerve-wracking. I'm already imagining that all kinds of things are going to go wrong with the car so that we're stranded halfway there but it's kind of comforting to know if anything happened I won't have to face it alone. I learned how to deal with the waiting room that's always full of loud-talking people going on about their meds and their groups, I tell the receptionist I'm there then wait in the hall. I have to meet with my caseworker and do paperwork which, for some reason I haven't been able to figure out, is always stressful for me. Talking with the psych is always rough, just getting them to hear me is a task in itself. At least when it's all over I don't have to endure the long drive back, I can sit quietly and try to gather my scattered nerves.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Fancy Eatz

Fancy Eatz is one of those places where you pay too much for pedigreed coffees and eat sandwiches with exotic ingredients you've never heard of. A step up from Fast-n-Eat but still a crappy job. I hate it for different reasons, though. When I was a cashier at Fast-n-Eat I didn't mind the job at all, the customers were reasonably decent as long as they got their order right and fast, if they got unhappy they talked to the manager. When I was stupid enough to take a manager job there I hated it, handling customer complaints was nothing compared to all the b.s. the company made their managers do. Fancy Eatz pays me to be a cashier the same money as I was making at Fast-n-Eat as a manager. The reason I hate Fancy Eatz, though, besides the pretenstions of the company thay they're providing some sort of refined service, is the kind of customers that come in. It's one of those places that encourages the customers to take their time, stay all day over a cup of coffee, and that attracts the old folks. I'm not an ageist, I appreciate older people, but I don't appreciate them at work. They stand at the register and stare at the menu for an interminable amount of time while the line gets longer and longer, they get confused by all the offerings on the menu and the baked good displayed in the cases, they get more confused when we ask them all the questions we have to ask to get their order right. When they get confused they get angry then they stand in line even longer complaining about all the choices they have to make. It's not over when the order is finally entered in, they have to argue with each other about why it's their turn to pay, then they have to get rid of all the change in their purse. Finally the order gets sent to the line where they finish preparing the order they waited forever for me to complete, the sandwich is thrown away when the customer comes back to the register and asks if they could have the sauce on the side.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I have only one dream for you, that you live a happy and fulfilled life, the dreams of your life are yours, it is my dream to dream them with you.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sleeping Muse

When I got out of the hospital I started writing like there was no tomorrow. Now matter how tired I was I would write every day, my muse was making up for lost time. I feel like I could keep up the pace but my muse is tiring, I still write something every day but it's getting harder to write fewer words. I try what I can to coax her from her rest but what I want doesn't come into the picture that often. Ah well, I should heed the signs and rest with her.