Fancy Eatz is one of those places where you pay too much for pedigreed coffees and eat sandwiches with exotic ingredients you've never heard of. A step up from Fast-n-Eat but still a crappy job. I hate it for different reasons, though. When I was a cashier at Fast-n-Eat I didn't mind the job at all, the customers were reasonably decent as long as they got their order right and fast, if they got unhappy they talked to the manager. When I was stupid enough to take a manager job there I hated it, handling customer complaints was nothing compared to all the b.s. the company made their managers do. Fancy Eatz pays me to be a cashier the same money as I was making at Fast-n-Eat as a manager. The reason I hate Fancy Eatz, though, besides the pretenstions of the company thay they're providing some sort of refined service, is the kind of customers that come in. It's one of those places that encourages the customers to take their time, stay all day over a cup of coffee, and that attracts the old folks. I'm not an ageist, I appreciate older people, but I don't appreciate them at work. They stand at the register and stare at the menu for an interminable amount of time while the line gets longer and longer, they get confused by all the offerings on the menu and the baked good displayed in the cases, they get more confused when we ask them all the questions we have to ask to get their order right. When they get confused they get angry then they stand in line even longer complaining about all the choices they have to make. It's not over when the order is finally entered in, they have to argue with each other about why it's their turn to pay, then they have to get rid of all the change in their purse. Finally the order gets sent to the line where they finish preparing the order they waited forever for me to complete, the sandwich is thrown away when the customer comes back to the register and asks if they could have the sauce on the side.
And I'm betting that one has to repeat the same things over and over to the customers, whose first response to all questions is, "HUH?" - because they can't hear and are too proud to get hearing aids. I'm not an ageist either, but a neihbor lady of mine, who is not even that old...no matter what you say to her, her first response is always, ALWAYS.."HUH?". A late uncle of mine was the same way...very hard of hearing and too self conscious to get a hearing aid.
It's very, very frustrating. "HUH?" I SAID, it's very very frustrating.
Stay well Rev!
LOL! The other cashiers are talking so loud to the customers I have to say "HUH?" all the time.
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