Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Weekend Update
Originally uploaded by shelfish.
I just submitted my first book to a publisher last week, it could be four months before I get a response. In the meantime, I'm editing my second book. My mood is reasonably stable but I sleep alot. I'm quitting smoking, doing a pretty good job of it The goal is to be completely smoke-free in about three weeks when the Chantix runs out. I've put on alot of weight, partially because of quitting but mainly due to the heavy dose of Seroquel I was on. I take walks sometimes but am not worrying about the weight until I'm done with the cigs. I haven't been updating my blog much mainly because there's not been much else on my mind.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Friday, October 03, 2008


Originally uploaded by _marmota.
When I was young I had very few regrets, I believed the past was past, we only had today. Now that I'm older there are days when I have so many regrets that I'm overcome.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

1956 Ford Sunliner

1954 Dodge FireArrow

1953 Buick Wildcat

1951 Hudson Hornet

1951 Chrysler K310

1951 Buick LeSabre