Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Last month when I saw my doc he put me on a new med. I felt like crap for a month after. Alot of times it takes awhile to adjust so I endured it. I saw him again today, fearful that I'd have to start something new. When I told him what was going on he said I should've been taking double the dose. I felt pretty stupid when I left his office and even more so when I got home and looked at the label on the bottle. I'd laugh if it wasn't so scary.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Maybe you should taper down slowly to the lower dose, just so it's not such a nasty come down.

10/25/2007 11:13 AM  
Blogger RevrendZ said...

Hey ho, Henry. That was the doc's inttent but I misunderstood him and foolishly neglected to read the med's label. I'm on the right dose now and feel a bit better.

10/27/2007 11:36 AM  

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