It was a beautiful, cool morning. I had to get cigarettes before work and left home early. I got to work half an hour early. I thought, "Cool, I can get a cup of coffee and chill for a while, maybe smoke a cigarette before I clock in." The minute I walked in the opening cashier grabbed me, "You can't drink your coffee this morning, Rev, night shift has left us in a mess." I get flustered when things like that happen and make a lot of mistakes but after the morning I had I didn't care, I was sort of hoping to get fired anyway. About lunch time it got pretty slow and two ladies came in, I was a bit hypomanic so I was getting chatty with some of the customers, "How ya doin ladies?" "It's so hot." one said "Oh,I know." I sympathized, it was about 90 then. "It was such a beautiful morning." I said and she nodded and looked at me seriously, "There's been a wierd vibe all day." "Don't I know it." I decided to give Fancy Eatz the adios and when I gave a Fast-n-Eat I wouldn't mind working at the hola the boss said I couldn't have called at a better time. I start in a week. I've bitched a lot about Fast-n-Eat but I was fine with the job for three or four years, it all fell apart when I became a manager. I'm going back as a cashier and I'll stay one until I find some decent sitting down job.
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