Went to see a regular doc Thursday for the headaches and dizziness. Even though the lobby was quiet and pleasant, much better than the babble room I have to sit in at the pysch's, it was a very tryng experience. Ten minute wait in the nice room then I get taken back to sit for over an hour in the cold little exam room. I supposed I could have entertained myself with Green Eggs and Ham but I had the feeling it would only make things worse. The doc came in with a laptop which he setup before he shook my hand, no charts at that office I guess, they're pretty big on advertising their website and they offer wifi internet access. Only thing the doc could figure out for my problem was
valium, he said if that didn't take care of it I had to see a neurologist. So far things have been going well, no dizziness, the headaches are quelled quickly and those impossible customers at work don't bother me like they used to.
Hey Reverend Z:
I'm glad to hear that the valium is helping. And I love the way your blog looks--great graphics. I've been in a slump, which I think you can probably relate to--havent' been blogging for awhile. But it's great to see you going at it like the old days. Hope this finds you well.
Howdy Stranger :) Was hoping you hadn't dropped off the face of the earth, miss your great writing but I understand. Once again I've bitten off more than I can chew but I like it that way, now if I could just get one thing completed.
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