Saturday, August 27, 2005


After nearly a week of using this new Visual Basic software I haven’t been able to figure out even the simplest tasks. Granted, I know nothing about Visual Basic but the software was touted to be easy to use, even for beginners. I maybe be a beginner to VB but I know how to program and I can’t see why it has to be so complicated trying to read a file. I’m about ready to throw in the towel but there’s this stubborn part of me that refuses to be beaten by a damn piece of software. It is a beta version and the documentation is incomplete so I can’t fault Microsoft… yet. If I give up on this I’m not sure what to do next, I’m determined to get the game written and I’m not ready to go back to the weak little thing I started yet. Back at it… just had to come up for air while I’m scanning my computer for adware. Seems all of a sudden the fonts in Internet Explorer are all screwed up, they’re so tiny I can’t read what little documentation Microsoft does have. I’m hoping the adware scan will get rid of the problem… like everything else in my life I’ve neglected to do it for a while and my computer is choking on all the crap people dump into it.  That’s a whole nother rant that has been ranted by a million internet users… Scan’s done, time for more frustration.


Blogger Preston said...

I have VB 6.0. It's really not that hard to use; there's tons of documentation on the MS website. If you need something non-beta, just holler...

8/28/2005 9:15 AM  
Blogger RevrendZ said...

Thanks for the heads-up Henry. I'm bound an determined to beat this.

8/28/2005 10:08 AM  
Blogger RevrendZ said...

Now I can really say Woo Hoo! I got one program done except for two minor aesthetic things I haven't figured out yet and I've made a good start on a second program. Thanks alot to Henry for steering me in the right direction. I found some developers forums where I gleaned some good info and got an answer to one question that had me stumped for two days.

8/28/2005 11:37 PM  

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