
Got to work this morning, very early, it was delivery day and we had a freighter to unload. First thing I see is Barney the mid-shift manager's name crossed off the schedule, which means he isn't coming in to relieve me. I looked in the office for a note telling me what was going on but there was none, so as far as I know I'm supposed to work a 14 hour shift today. I called the assistant manager and got her voicemail, finally she calls back about half an hour later and tells me Barney is in the hospital and she was too busy last night to find someone to cover his shift. Then she tells me to call Loretta and ask her to come in. After several tries I get a rude lady who snaps at me, "No!", when I ask if Loretta is there. I call two other Fast-n-Eats in our area to see if they have someone to loan us... no luck. I call the assistant back... the general manager is on vacation... and get her voicemail again. I call their boss and get her voicemail... which means I called all the people my boss told me to call if I ran into trouble while she was gone and got nowhere. Finally, about an hour later my boss's boss calls back and says there are no managers in the area to cover the shift and to call my boss who should be home from her vacation. No surprise, voicemail. At that point I was geared to work the whole 14 hours, it would have been the last 14 hours Fast-n-Eat got from me because I would have called the assistant and left a message on her voicemail that I quit. Then, in the middle of lunch rush, when we're not supposed to answer the phone, the phone rings. I thought I should answer it and it was the assisstant who said she'd be in to relieve me. Damn... I was feeling so good, so ready to quit and be free. Well... knowing Fast-n-Eat they'll give me another reason to leave that outweighs the few minor reasons I have for staying.
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