Friday, April 15, 2005


"Howya doin?" The new greeting at Fast-n-Eat. No more trying to sell the latest concoction, sounded good. I hate it. Bad enough I have to say, "Good, please order when you're ready.", to the thousand people who ask me how I am back, I have to wait five seconds for another thousand who answer, "Good", and expect me to sell something before they order. All that adds to my fly-thru time, which reflects on me and my future miniscule raises. Doesn't matter, they did research and that turned out to be the second most popular greeting, the first was filled with expletives and the conservatives on the board won the "greeting vote". They're very serious about it, having already suspended cashiers for trying to sell something. The customers seem to like it, though. Yesterday a person used up two minutes of my time to tell me how much they liked it and how it made their day, I suppose they didn't figure that I didn't give a damn about their day, to me they were just another credchip screwing up my raise.


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