Friday, April 22, 2005


Drawing Hands M.C.Escher


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was in high school my art teacher made us study Escher. She always wanted us to study his work enough to be able to see somethin different, the gradual changes and such...obviously present in all his work.

This one I remember because no one could really think of anything to say. It's not somethin you would notice right away. Or maybe it was only because we were high school students and didn't pay enough

This always seemed to be just a mirror image of the sketching hands. I don't know how long it took before someone noticed the fact that it's actually his right and his left hands.

I love his work and if I had only paid attention more way back when, it probably would've inspired me more :)

Miss Hobby

4/22/2005 2:28 PM  

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