Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shop Class

wooden stool #2
Originally uploaded by lydiafairy.
I sucked at shop, my drafting designs was erased so much they were unrecognizable and all my projects were misshapen, but there are three things about it I'll never forget. On the first day of class we had to watch a film about Primitive Pete, the guy who uses a screwdriver to hammer nails. One day a friend and I were caught goofing off and had to write, "There is no horesplay allowed in shop." a thousand times so we had a contest to see who could do it in the least amount of space. I filled up both sides of a page, he used less than one side. Mostly, though, I remember what our shop teacher said at the beginning of every class, "Get you a stool, set down and shut up."


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