Sunday, October 22, 2006

How Do You Meet People?

We all become a lonesome memory
Originally uploaded by Navid J.
I don't drink, I don't party, I'm too intoverted to talk to people at the store, I don't go to church, I don't dance, the people I work with are too young. Where else is there?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had the same three best friends for the past 26 years. Besides the people I work with, they're it. It's a good thing I still have them or I just really wouldn't care to meet people at all.

10/24/2006 10:53 AM  
Blogger RevrendZ said...

Most of the time I don't care to meet people either but when the wind blows cold sometimes I wish I had someone to share the warmth with.

10/24/2006 11:29 AM  
Blogger elvira black said...

Virtually all the friends I have at the moment are--well--virtual. However, I've "met" a few NYC bloggers and perhaps I will meet up them in the "flesh" at some point. It's a great way to make real friends--for me it's just generally easier to connect with like-minded people in the blogosphere than the outside world.

Happy holidays to my friend, Rev. Z!

12/25/2006 9:13 AM  

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