"I can't say it more than once cause I'm thinkin twice as fast." Spaced Cowboy, Sly and the Family Stone
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Gotta go to the Fast-n-Eat managers' pep rally today. Bad food, stupid cheers and boring lectures... I don't know what's worse, working fly-thru all day handling rude customers or the rally. Actually, I do know... damn rally...
It was worse than I expected, we didn't even get the bad food. The person in charge of the food wasn't there for some reason I didn't learn because we came in late. We being the Snail and I, I'm day manager, he's night manager. I did learn one useful thing, almost no one knows how to put together a glech pump and now some of us do.
It was worse than I expected, we didn't even get the bad food. The person in charge of the food wasn't there for some reason I didn't learn because we came in late. We being the Snail and I, I'm day manager, he's night manager. I did learn one useful thing, almost no one knows how to put together a glech pump and now some of us do.
Can't imagine what's worse, going to a pep rally and learning about pumps or being expected to rally the pep, when all you want is to be gone.
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